The WLI Steering Committee comprises influential leaders from the Pacific region and Australia, and representatives from DFAT.
Steering Committee members play an important ongoing role in supporting and promoting the program, providing ongoing contact and connection with alumni on their return home, and fostering productive linkages between the Pacific and Australia. The WLI Steering Committee meets twice per year.
Key Steering Committee responsibilities include to:
Provide ongoing advice on the strategic direction of the program.
Take an active interest in the direction and performance of the program.
Represent and promote the program and connect with program activities/ alumni.
Contribute insights, experience, networks and knowledge to program discussions, plans and activities, including to reintegration support activities for returning/ returned alumni.
Flag any potential risks in program activities (and suggest risk mitigation strategies as appropriate).
Assist in connecting the program and its participants/ alumni with women and men change agents in the Pacific and in Australia.
Advocate for women’s developmental leadership in the region.
WLI's current Steering Committee members are anticipated to remain in place for the duration of the program phase (to 30 June 2026).