Sophia Tuna

Cohort 6
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Sophia Tuna
Papua New Guinea

Bachelor of Sport Management

Victoria University

Sophia has over 15 years’ experience in coaching, sports administration, and management, with specialist expertise in the inclusion of people with disability in sport. A trained facilitator for the Oceania Sports Education Program (OSEP), Sophia has developed and implemented various sporting programs for people with disabilities throughout Papua New Guinea (PNG) and the Pacific region. Sophia passionately volunteers her time to support the PNG Paralympics Committee and Special Olympics PNG and is currently employed as Manager - Sport for Development for the PNG Sports Foundation.

Sophia hopes to build her leadership skills and networks to support and advocate for PNG Sports Foundations to work collaboratively in partnership with Special Olympics PNG, PNG Paralympic Committee, and other government departments to develop more holistic, realistic and meaningful sporting initiatives targeting people with disability in rural areas. She holds a Diploma in Managing Olympic Sports Organisations from the International Olympics Committee, among other qualifications.