Rebecca Emori

Cohort 7
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Rebecca Emori
Papua New Guinea

PhD in Public Health (Health and Society)

The University of Wollongong

Rebecca has been a Public Health/Social Scientist for the Papua New Guinea Institute of Medical Research (PNGIMR) since 2006. She has experience in various public health research areas including HIV, Tuberculosis (TB), youth health, maternal health, child health, demography, epidemiology, water, sanitation and hygiene, and population health research; on which she has written several research publications. She is an active member of the PNG Medical Society and has presented her findings at the PNG Medical Symposium since 2007.

Currently researching the overall wellbeing of children (under five years of age) in PNG against national health indicators and child health policies, Rebecca intends to use her PhD findings to contribute to national policy briefs and decision-making about maternal and child mortality. She also hopes to develop health promotion resources (based on her various research areas) that can be distributed to schools and communities.