Priscillar Napoleon

Cohort 7
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Priscillar Napoleon
Papua New Guinea

Master of Public Health

The University of New South Wales

Priscillar has over eight years’ experience working with non-government and civil society organisations in the health sector, including in human resources, fundraising, marketing and board management. From 2018 to 2023, she was the Executive Manager of the Papua New Guinea (PNG) Cancer Foundation. She commenced at the Foundation as a volunteer after graduating from the University of PNG in 2015 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business and Management. Priscillar is passionate about women's health and education and has a particular interest in cervical cancer in regions with limited access to resources.

Through her participation in WDLP, Priscillar aims to promote women's leadership by fostering strong advocacy and awareness for evidence-based national health programs and policies. Priscillar holds an Executive Master of Business Administration from The University of PNG.