Mazzella Maniwavie

Cohort 2
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Mazzella Maniwavie
Papua New Guinea

Master of Science - Marine Biology

James Cook University, QLD

Mazzella recently completed a Master’s degree of Science in Marine Biology and Ecology at James Cook University.

Prior to taking up this opportunity, Mazzella was involved in marine research through the Motupore Island Research Centre (MIRC) at the University of Papua New Guinea, and at the World Wildlife Fund of Nature’s Western Melanesian Program. As a research assistant at MIRC, she worked on the Mangrove Rehabilitation and Restoration Project. In Australia, Mazzella has interned and now works at the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS).

On her return to Papua New Guinea, Mazzella is keen to develop and implement education programs on the marine environment and conservation in schools, communities and online. She would like the Papua New Guinean community to gain more awareness and appreciation for the marine environment and its preservation.

In Papua New Guinea, women scientist still struggle with stigma and respect and find that they are not taken seriously. Mazzella would like to actively work on debunking this myth and to act as a role model for other emerging women in her fields of marine biology and science.