Lilian Mausio

Cohort 3
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Lilian Mausio

Master of Law

University of Melbourne, VIC

Lilian is a lawyer who has practiced in the areas of civil litigation and criminal law. She has experience canvassing anti-fraud law, bribery and corruption matters. For two years, Lilian was a State Counsel for the Fiji Independent Commission Against Corruption(FICAC), before moving to private practice with Fiji’s largest law firm. While at FICAC, Lilian was part of the trial team that successfully prosecuted a bribery case, which resulted in setting a landmark precedent for future bribery cases in Fiji.

Lilian is captivated by the benefits of international arbitration, especially its ability to deliver economic benefits to Fiji by raising investor confidence and lowering trade barriers. She is interested in furthering Fiji's profile in international arbitration and establishing a Fijian branch of the Arbitral Women’s Group.