Laisani Macedru

Cohort 2
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Laisani Macedru

Master of Commercial Law

Monash University, VIC

Laisani was awarded a Masters of Commercial Law from Monash University. In2010, Laisani changed from working as a lawyer at a private Fijian law firm to taking on a legal officer role at a statutory body. She assisted the body with its responsibilities towards land tenure and administering and leasing the lands of native landowners for residential, commercial, and tourism purposes. In this role, she learnt about educating native landowners on their legal and commercial rights and the importance of community legal awareness.

Laisani later accepted a role at Fiji’s National Provident Fund (also Fiji’s only provident fund). Upon completion of her degree, Laisani will return to her position in the investment division, which manages the Fund’s investment portfolio through merger and acquisition deals, project management, real estate development, and offshore investments.

Laisani intends to use these diverse experiences to empower and support upcoming young women leaders. She would like to see more Fijian women represented in executive positions of organisations. From her experiences, she sees that professional women lack strong professional networks and opportunities to be mentored while also being very humble and playing down their strengths. In the next ten years, Laisani would like to hold a leadership position in a regional body, whether a banking institution or non-governmental organisation, and to support other women into leadership roles.