Jiupili Bete Ralulu Simmons

Cohort 4
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Jiupili Bete Ralulu Simmons

Master of Arts (Teaching English as a Second Language - TESOL)

Western Sydney University, NSW

Jiupili is an experienced high school teacher, tutor and learning specialist at the University of South Pacific (USP). She has worked as the Acting Head of Department, Languages and implemented the English and Fijian (Vernacular and Hindi) syllabus while at Labasa Sangam (SKM) College.

Jiupili was instrumental in establishing USP’s inaugural Student Learning Department to assist high school students with their transition to tertiary education. Working with the Campus Director, Jiupili mentored students and provided academic support services. On completion of her studies, Jiupili hopes to return to Fiji and continue her work with high school students transitioning into tertiary learning. She also plans to reach out to indigenous communities, particularly in the Northern Division, to encourage young people and women to pursue studies after high school.