Irene Semos

Cohort 2
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Irene Semos
Papua New Guinea

PhD - Health Professional Learning and Development

University of Queensland, QLD

Irene is underway with a doctorate that seeks to understand the role of health extension officers in the delivery of Papua New Guinea’s primary healthcare. She accepted this opportunity after lecturing for five years at Divine Word University (DWU), Madang, Papua New Guinea. She also holds a Master’s of International Public Health from the University of Queensland.

While at DWU, Irene was responsible for teaching research methods and applied statistics to students within the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. She also participated in research with the university’s Health Management Department and co-authored a working paper / literature review with the Nossal Institute for Global Health. While engaged with DWU, Irene and a female colleague created the Health Management Women’s Initiative -a staff-student platform for discussing academic, professional and social issues. She has also been engaged as a member of the PNG Australia Alumni Association. Prior to her university work, Irene held research roles at the PNG Institute of Medical Research.  

Upon graduating, Irene would like to work with young people on issues of conflict resolution, negotiation, and cultural diplomacy. She would like to learn about and enhance strategies that get young people to talk in equal-power settings and to become future leaders and problem solvers. She is driven by the question of how young Papua New Guineans can use their cultural diversity as a tool to cross natural occurring barriers that complicate the addressing of issues such as gender inequality and equity.