Master of Health Economics
Deaking University, VIC
For over a decade, Delilah has been the Chief Policy Planning Officer and Gender Focal Point at the Solomon Islands Ministry of Health and Medical Services. She has represented the ministry in several gender forums, including at the Convention on Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). She also conducted a gender equity assessment of the health sector and developed a gender equality strategy.
Delilah recently was awarded a Masters of Health Economics from Deakin University. Through her volunteer work, Delilah succeeded in gaining international funding and technical support for food safety and handling training for women street vendors and in mobilising her community to clean up their city. She also organised a fundraiser for the 2012 Japan tsunami victims.
Delilah would like to introduce economic evaluations into the health ministry and to train and support staff to undertake regular evaluations. She plans to target a program -such as the vector-borne diseases or malaria programs – that is well resourced but requires proper assessment and evaluation to determine its impact.
Upon her return to Solomon Islands, she intends to empower and upskill her team so that they adopt a cost-effectiveness approach. She would like to ensure health priorities are justified and evidence-based so that the ministry is able to properly determine its resource priorities and make more informed policy and programming decisions. She also would like to advocate for more women representatives at all decision-making levels.