Cherolyn Polomon

Cohort 6
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Cherolyn Polomon
Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea
University of Technology Sydney
PhD, Health Nursing and Midwifery

Cherolyn has been a nurse-midwife since 1997. During this time, she has gained a wealth of clinical experience and applied it to her work as a nurse manager, educator and trainer, and midwifery curriculum developer and course coordinator. She has contributed to and presented on research, including on stillbirth analysis in Papua New Guinea (PNG), and secured funding to build the capacity of midwifery students through conference participation. She facilitates a community of practice among 500 professionals working in various stages of midwifery in PNG and abroad, from student midwives to directors and policy makers.

Cherolyn wants to see improvement in respectful, evidence-based midwifery practices and to facilitate nurses' exposure to international forums to improve maternal healthcare. In turn, she hopes this will help to reduce rates of maternal mortality and morbidity in PNG. In 2022, Cherolyn was awarded the Allison Sudradjat Prize and has previously earned her Master of Midwifery and Bachelor of Clinical Nursing, among other qualifications.